Qua Ting Ying Charmaine! ^^
"Smiles!! ^^"

Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 4:10 AM

stupid lo !!! my de whole june holidays is occupied with cca n flagt day lols ... but i m happy cox don need to be at home lo!!! it will be very bore staying at home on the weekdays lo ,,, study study study lo !!!
3 june = flag day=9 - 2 pm
8-12 june = IDA infocomm competition=9 -12:30PM =SP
15 june= IDA SCI CENTRE = ??????
22 -23 JUNE = cca =830-530pm=sp
rest of de holidays can go out with friends n studying lol,s !!!!
iplanning to get all 'B3' for my final year , but i don tjhimk my combined humanities n chinese can get LO at most B4 or C5 lo !!!!english , maths , science, poa i striving toget higher than that lo , mayb all 'A' ba !!! i planningto take
''through train 'but don think wil be taking le cox if u fail 'o' , u will have to leave sch with no cer. lo !!


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